Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Board of TRANSENS

Already in the first half of the year, the members of the advisory board TD (transdisciplinarity) were appointed by the project executing agency for the scientific accompaniment of the research project TRANSENS. The main task of the Advisory Board TD is the monitoring, conceptual support and critical evaluation of the transdisciplinary (TD) research and the transdisciplinarity research (accompanying research) in the project TRANSENS as well as the development of related recommendations for the work of the grant recipients. In particular, the TD Advisory Board advises the TD Integration Group (I-TD).

The mandate of the Advisory Board TD can be found at here.

The following advisory board members were appointed by the project executing agency:

Dr. Antonietta Di Giulio (University of Basel),Prof. Ines Weller (University of Bremen), Prof. Wolfgang Liebert (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna).